An inherent desire to create a culture of interaction between the members of business community is the driving force for the Asian Leadership Awards®. This event is exclusively for business leaders as they have the unique opportunity to use their powerful leadership abilities, knowledge and energy to strengthen economic status and provide resources and prospects for others who may need assistance in building and developing business. The Awards provide precisely the right environment for these corporate leaders to inter-mingle and share their experiences therefore providing valuable insight on particular aspects of the business world. Another major objective of this event is to facilitate the development of future business leaders by providing opportunities for its guests.
This event also aims to recognise the achievements of the Asia's leading business visionaries across all industry sectors and to honour their great contributions towards the region's economic development. These initiatives will serve as a catalyst for the growth of new leaders and entrepreneurs to spur the industrial growth and to drive the region's economy.
In other words, the objectives of this ceremony are:
- As a mark of recognition toward the achievements acquired by the entrepreneur/business leadership.
- As a mark of honour and encouragement to the entrepreneur and leaders.
- Development of new leaders and upgrading of existing leaders.
- As catalyst of growth for region's economic driver.
Who Should Apply?
The Asian Leadership Awards® are only for the C level professional i.e. CEOs, CFOs, COOs, CTOs, CSOs, CHROs, CPOs, CLOs and the Chairman of boards and other key organizational leaders like departmental and organizational presidents and vice presidents, managing director, executive directors and directors with distinguished activity, exceptional leadership qualities and prominent achievements.
We invite nominations for the various categories from the organizations and individuals. However the judgment will be made on the basis of judges assessment and senior management from various industries.
Award Categories
- HR Business Leader of the Year
- Women Business Leader of the Year
- Leaders of Tomorrow Award
- HR Leadership Award
- Hall of Fame Award
- Young Leader of the Year
- Training Leader of the Year
- CEO of the Year
- Lifetime Achievement of the Year
- CHRO of the Year
- Exemplary Leader Award
- HR Professional of the Year
- Outstanding Contribution to HR
Organisational Categories
- HR Company of the Year
- HR Team of the Year
- Best HR Strategy in Line with Business
- Award for Institution Building
- Best Operational Management Program
- Award for Best Result Based Training
- Training Company of the Year
- Dream Company to Work For
- Service Provider in HR
- Best HR Organization to Work For
- Talent Managed Company
- Best in Training & Organizational Development
- HR Department of the Year
- Diversity & Impact Award
- Best Recruitment & Consulting Company of the Year
- Managing Health at Work
- Organisation with Innovative HR Practices
- Outstanding Contribution to the Cause of Education
- Promoting Health in the Workplace
Individual Categories
- Life Time Achievement Award
- CSR Professional of the Year
- Women CSR Leader
- Philanthropist of the Year
- Social entrepreneur of the Year
- NGO Leadership Award
- CEO of the Year
- Awards for Sustainable Excellence
- Carbon Footprint Accounting
Organisational Categories
- Best Corporate Social Responsibility Practices
- Best Workplace Practices
- Best Environment Friendly Project
- Innovation in Corporate Social Responsibility Practices
- Concern for health
- Regulation of Corporate Social and environmental Behaviour
- Poverty Alleviation
- Hall of Fame
- Environmental Stewardship
- Diversity & Human Resources
- Community Development
- Agriculture Development
- Awareness Campaign
- Cause Branding Campaign
- CSR Report
- Disaster Relief
- Support and improvement in quality of Education
- Efforts towards building an inclusive world (disability, special care, transgender, etc.)
- Entrepreneurship Development
- Environment Management/Forestry/Horticulture
- Integrated Village Development
- Infrastructure (Community Assets)
- Livelihood Creation
- Project Towards Swachh Bharat Mission (National)
- Rehabilitation & Resettlement Project
- Renewable Energy
- Road Safety
- Safe Drinking Water
- Skill Development
- Social Media Awareness Campaign
- Water Conservation
- Waste Management
- Women Empowerment
- Carbon Footprint
- Provision of Literacy & Education Award
- Fair Trade & Supply Chain
- Sustainable Strategies
- Support and Improvement in quality of Education
- Corporate & Financial Reporting
- Best Use of CSR Practices in (Multiple Industry Segment) • IT Industry
• Banking & Finance
• Automobile
• Healthcare / Pharmaceuticals
• Facility Management
• Manufacturing
Individual Categories
- CEO of the year
- Sustainable Leadership Award
- Sustainability Professional of the Year (Multi-Functional)
- Sustainability Heroes
- Sustainability Trailblazer of the year
- CEO of the Year
- Rising Sustainability Star
Organisational Categories
- Best Communicating Sustainability
- Outstanding Social Impacts
- Best Supply Chain
- Best Innovation
- Best Project-Collaboration
- Best Community Action (NGO's & Organisations)
- Best Educational Services
- Best Business Eco-Efficiency Award Best Rural Outreach
- Best Sustainable Business Practices
- Best Overall Sustainable Performance Best Sustainability Report
- Best Sustainable Strategies
- Best Renewable Resources:
• Recycling
• Energy
• Water Stewardship & Holistic Management
• Green Building
• Carbon Management
• Sustainable Transport - Sustainability Disclosure Leadership Award
- Sustainable Business of the Year Award
- Sustainability Reporting & Communications
- Sustainable Product Innovation Award
- Sustainable Water Management Award Sustainable Carbon Management Practice Award
- Sustainable Waste & Resource Management
- Sustainable Packaging Award Recyclable Packaging
- Sustainable Business Models Award
- Outstanding Leadership in Waste Reduction
- Outstanding Social Impacts Sustainable Creative Solution Sustainable Resource Impact
- Energy Efficiency Implementation Innovation Award
- Community Outreach Award Excellence in Sustainability Advisory
- Excellence in Sustainable EHS Management
- Sustainable Community Leadership Award
- Excellence in Sustainable Supply Chain
- Excellence in Sustainable & Operational Risk Management
- Excellence in Sustainability Innovation
- Excellence in Sustainability Performance Management
- Best Sustainability Report
- Sustainable Green IT
- Sustainable Resource Efficiency
- Most Efficient Sustainable Navratna/ Maharatna / Miniratna Company
- Fastest Growing Sustainable Water Purifier Company
- Sustainable Water Technology Idol
- Best Sustainable Company (Multi Function)
- Best Sustainability Projects
- Building Infrastructure Sustainable Project
- Best Business Eco-Efficiency Award
- Eco-friendly Sustainable Fashion Brands
- Sustainable Tourism Sustainable Banking Initiative
- Social Sustainability & Community Development
- Leadership in Environmental Sustainability Award
Individual Categories
- Environmentally Sustainable City Award
- Adaptation & Resilience
- Sustainable Communities
- Smart Urban Development Initiative
- Smart Transport Initiative
- Smart Infrastructure Initiative
- Smart Green Building Initiative
- Smart City Surveillance Initiative
- Smart Technology for Smart City
- Smart CSR Initiative
Organisational Categories
- Smart Urban Traffic Management Initiative
- Smart Municipality/Municipal Corporation Initiative
- Smart Waste Management Initiative
- Smart Real Estate Project
- Smart Building Initiative
- Smart Utilities Initiative
- Smart Energy Initiative
- Smart Street Lighting Solutions
- Best Project in Building Smart Cities
Individual Categories
- CEO of the Year
- Green Business Leader of the Year
- Best Green Entrepreneur of the Year
- Life time Achievement Award
- Women Leadership Award
- Outstanding Achievement Award
- Green Excellence Award
Organisational Categories
- Best Green Business Award
- Best Green Organisation of the Year
- Best Green Technology Award
- Best Green Energy Efficiency Initiative Award
- Best Green 4R's Award (Reduction, Reuse, Recycling & Recovery)
- Best Green Water Stewardship Award
- Best Green Building
- Best Waste Management
- Best Green Design Award
- Best Green Excellence: (Innovation, Energy, Sustainability, Waste)
- Green Management of the Year
- Green (Information Technologies) IT Award
- Environmental Friendly Project
- Best Environmental Innovation
- Green Product Innovationofthe Year
- Recycling Productof the Year
- Green Health Care Award
- Best Green Finance Award
- Best Green Communications Campaign
- Green Energy Saver
- Best Green PR Award
Individual Categories
- Award for Out Standing Contribution to water industry.
- Young water professional award
Organisational Categories
- 'Best Water Efficient Project'
- Award for industries in water sector
- Best Water Conserver (Service Provider) - Wastewater Management.
- Award for science and technology in water sector
- Best packaging innovation
- Excellence in water efficiency award
- Excellence in sustainable water management award
- People Initiative of the year.
Individual Categories
- Rooftop Project Developer of the Year
- Rooftop Solar EPC Company of the Year
- Solar Module Company of the Year
- Rooftop Solar Project Developer
- Solar Inverter Company of the Year
- Rooftop Solar Innovative Company of the Year
- Most Innovative Solar Energy Scheme
- Best Thin Film Innovation Award
- Best Turnkey Supplier Award
- Best Wind Farm of the Year
- Best Wind Services Provider
- Best Wind Turbine Manufacturer
- Best Use of Renewable Energy
- Best Commercial Rooftop Installation
- Best Community Installation
- Solar Energy Company of the Year
- Best Green Initiative
- Best in Energy – Efficient Project
- Innovative Solar Energy Products
Organisational Categories
- Rooftop Solar Research & Academics Contribution of the Year
- BEST EPC PROJECT - Solar Sector
- Best Start-up in Solar Sector
- Solar Transformer Company of the year
- Solar Power Cable Company of the Year
- Best Project Finance Innovation
- Best Integrated Renewable System
- Best Public Space Installation
- Best Solar Design & Installation of the Year
- Best Renewable Heat Installation of the Year
- Best Rural Electrification Development Award
- Best Start-up in Solar Sector
- Best Innovation in Solar Manufacturing
- Excellence in Renewable Energy
- Excellence in Solar Energy
- Best Waste to Energy Award
Individual Categories
- Best CFO - Telecom Services Sector
- Best CFO - Supply Chain & Logistics Sector
- Best CFO - FMCG
- Best CFO - Automobiles Sector
- Best CFO – Oil & Gas
- Best CFO - Wellness & Fitness
- Best CFO - Education
- Lifetime Achievement Award
- CFO of the Year
- Best CFO-Hospitality
- CFO of the Year – Construction and Real Estate Sector
- Best CFO - BPO & KPO Industry
- Best CFO -Pharma
- Best CFO - Infrastructure
- Best CFO - BFSI
- Best CFO- E- Commerce
- Best CFO -IT
- Best CFO- PSU
- Young CFO of the year (male / female)
- SME Finance Leader of the Year
- Best CFO (Excellence in Financial Management)
- Best CFO Of The Year - Startup
- Best in Payroll Outsourcing
Organisational Categories
- Award for the Best Finance team of the Year
- Financial Reporting of the Year
- Small/ Medium / Large Business CFO of the Year
- Best Payroll Out Sourcing
- Best Finance Team of the Year
- Award for Transformational Finance
- Corporate Finance Provider
- Investor Management and Relations
- Finance Deal of the Year
- Finance Team Contribution to ESG Initiatives
- Digital Transformation Project of the Year
Individual Categories
- Education Leadership Award
- Educational Entrepreneur (Edupreneur of the Year)
- Award for Outstanding Contribution to Education
- Women Leadership Award in Education
- Visionary Leader Award
- Best Faculty Award
- Hall of Fame Award
- Visionary Leader Award
- Young Achiever Award
- Exemplary Leader Award
- Innovative Leader Award
- Best Director Award
- Nurturer of Talent Award
- Education Baron Award
Organisational Categories
- Emerging Institute of the Year
- Institute with Best Academic & Industry Interface
- Best Private University
- Best School of the Year
- Best Student Centric Institution
- Outstanding Institute of the Year
- Award for Best B-school with Innovation in Placements
- Award for Best Educational Institute in Management
- Award for Best Educational Institute in Engineering
- Award for Best Educational Institute in Fashion
- Award for Best Educational Institute in Agriculture
- Award for Best Educational Institute in Banking & Finance
- Award for Best Educational Institute in Telecom
- Award for Best Educational Institute in Retail
- Award for Best-in-Class Infrastructure
- Award for Institution with Highest International Placement
- Award for Innovation in Placement
- Award for Quality in Education
- Award for Best Institute Overall
Individual Categories
- Award for Outstanding Young Educator
- EduTech Leader of the Year
- Innovative Leader Award
- Women Leadership Award
- Visionary Leader Award
- Exemplary Leader Award
- Education Leadership Award
- Emerging Professional of the Year
- CEO of the Year
- Outstanding Contribution to Education
- Hall of Fame Award
- Educational Personality of the Year
- Edupreneur of the Year
- Women EduTech Leader of the Year
Organisational Categories
- Innovation in Teaching-Learning Technologies
- M-learning Initiative
- Use of Assistive Technologies in Education
- Interactive Solution Providers
- Technology Solution Provider
- Enterprise Resource Planning
- Technology Solutions for Higher Education Institutes
- Innovation in Pedagogical Practices
- Best Student in Data Analytics
- Best Professional in Image Analytics
- Best Innovation in Global Collaborative Learning
- Best E-Campus Award
- Green Campus Initiative
- Innovation in Teaching Pedagogy
- Best Technology Initiative by a College
- Best Technology Initiative by a University
- Best Edtech Startup Awards
- Edutech Company of the Year
- Best use of Innovative Technology in Education
- Digital Learning Company of the Year
- Emerging EduTech Startup Company of the Year
- School App of the Year
- Learning App of the Year
- Best E-Learning Company of the Year
- Skill Development Company of the Year
Individual Categories
- CEO of The Year
- Brand Leadership Award
- Lifetime Achievement In Healthcare Award
- Women Leadership Award in Healthcare
- Hall Of Fame Award
- Outstanding Dentist Of The Year
- Best Healthcare Entrepreneur Of The Year
- Award For the Best Medical Superintendent of The Year
- Award For The Best Dietician Of The Year
- Award For The Best Physiotherapist
- Award For The Best Aesthetic Consultants
- Award For The Best Cosmetologist
- Best Cardiac Surgeon of the year
- Healthcare Personality Of The Year
- Best Fertility Clinic of the Year
- Best Ayurvedic Clinic of the Year
- Business Leader of the year
- Dynamic Entrepreneur of the year
- Brand Builder of the year
- Woman Entrepreneur of The year
- Young Pharma Entrepreneur of The Year
- Marketing Professional of the year
- HR Professional of the year
- MR of the year
- Training Manager of the year
- Transformational Leader of the year
- Best Patient Safety Initiative Award
- Sales Promoter Award
- Best COVID-19 Solution for Mental Health
- Best COVID-19 Solution for Workforce Management
- Best COVID-19 Telecommunications Solution
- Best COVID-19 Solution for Safeguarding the Vulnerable
- Best COVID-19 mHealth Solution
- Best COVID-19 Software Solution
- Best COVID-19 Remote Monitoring Solution
- Best COVID-19 Training Solution
- Best COVID-19 Software Solution to Support Virtual Clinics
- Best Virtual Meeting Software Solution for COVID-19
- Most Innovative Solution for COVID-19
- Best COVID-19 Solution for Community Care
- Best use of Artificial Intelligence for COVID-19
Organisational Categories
- Best Marketing Campaign of the Year
- Best Agency of the Year
- Outstanding Achievement for Social Causes in Healthcare
- Best in Healthcare Award
- Best in Managing Primary Care Centre
- Product Innovations Award
- Best Eye Clinic
- Best Medical Devices
- Best Healthcare Entrepreneur Of The Year
- Best Healthcare Insurance Company
- Best Clinical Research Company
- Best Drug Delivery Partner
- Best in Contract Services & Outsourcing
- Best in Regulatory Procedures & Compliance
- Most Innovative use of Technology
- Best in Diagnostic Services
- Best Hospital in Paediatric & Gynaecology
- Best in Nutrition Supplement
- Best FMCG Product in Healthcare
- Best in Nutraceutical Company
- Innovative Practices in Medical College / Institute / Campus
- Innovative Hospital in Healthcare
- Award For the Best Medical Superintendent of The Year
- Innovation in Green Hospital
- Innovative Green Project in Healthcare
- Best in API Development
- Best in ManufacturingEquipment
- Best in Bioprocessing & Manufacturing
- Best Company in Pharma Service
- Most Admired Pharma Company of the year
- Pharma CSR Organisation of the Year
- Innovative R & D Company of the Year
- India's Fastest growing Pharmacy Retail chain
- Most Promising Entrant into The Big League
- Emerging Company of the Year
- Pharma OTC Company of the Year
- India's Most Admired Nutrition & Neutraceuticals of the Year
- Multinational Company of the Year
- Award for Best Return to Investors
- Most Promising Outsourcing Pharma Company
- Pharma Employer Brand of the year
- Quality Leadership Award
Individual Categories
- Lifetime Achievement Award
- CEO of the Year Award
- Marketer of the Year Award
- Women Excellence Award
- Innovative Leader Award - Quality Segment
- Business Leader of the Year - Quality Segment
- Emerging Business Leader of the Year
- Women Leadership Award
- Outstanding Leader of the Year - Quality Segment
- Quality Champion of the Year
- Quality Professional of the Year
- Quality Leadership Award
Organisational Categories
- Market Excellence Award
- People Development Award
- Business Innovation Award
- Industry Excellence Award
- Operational Excellence Award
- Training & Education Institution
- Environmental Leadership Award
- Excellence in Branding and Marketing
- Services Quality Excellence Award for Client Servicing
- Services Quality Excellence Award for Best CSR Practice
- Services Quality Excellence Award for Product Development
- Services Quality Excellence Award for Workforce Development
- Services Quality Excellence Award for Best Customer Services Result
- Services Quality Excellence Award for the Most Innovative Organization
Individual Categories
- CEO of the year
- Manufacture Excellence Award for Consumer Protection (Patient Safety in Health and Care sector)
- The Manufacturing Champion Award
- Innovative Leader Award in Manufacturing
- Manufacturing Excellence Award for Sustainable Changes to Manufacturing Practices
- CFO of the Year
- Young Achiever Award
- Best Achievement of Six Sigma in Manufacturing
- Manufacturer of the Year
- Young Manufacturer of the Year
- Lifetime Achievement Award
- Manufacturing Icon Award
- Business Leader Award - Manufacturing Sector
Organisational Categories
- Manufacturing Icon Award
- Manufacturer of the Year Award (SME and Large Organisation)
- Best-in-Class Employer of the Year in the Manufacturing Sector
- Best-in-Class Design for Manufacturability
- Best-in-Class Enterprise Quality Management
- Best-in-Class Operational Excellence Award
- Best-in-Class Excellence in cost management
- Best in Class Innovation Award in Manufacturing
- Best in Class Manufacturing IT Award
- Best in Class Green Manufacturing Award
- Best-in-Class Award for Excellence in productivity improvement
- Best-in-Class Award for Excellence in Quality
- Best-in-Class Safety Excellence Award
- Best-in-Class Carbon Footprint Award
- Best-in-Class CSR Award in Manufacturing Sector
- Outstanding projects by a Manufacturing Company
- Sustainable Manufacturing Award
- Product Innovation & Design Excellence Award
- Award for Excellence in Manufacturing Practices
- Auto (2Wheeler)
- Auto (4Wheeler)
- Telecom Products (Handsets & Accessories)
- Auto Components
- Heavy Equipment
- Pharmaceutical
- Solar Powered Equipment's
- Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) products
- Consumer Durables
- Electronics
- Cement
- Office Automation
- Machinery and Equipments
- Tools, Die and Mold Making
- Pumps, Valves and Fittings
- Plastics and Rubber
- Furnishings and Furniture
- Leather Products
- Apparel & Clothing
- Food and Agro
- Home Supplies
- Building and Construction Machinery
- Packaging Materials
- Chemical
- Building and Construction Materials
- Infrastructure
- Engineering
- Garment
- Textile
- Mining
- Paper
- Oil & Gas
- Wood
- Plastic
- Stationery
- Innovative Leader Award - Customer service Segment
- Business Leader of the Year - Customer service Segment
- Women Leadership Award
- Emerging Brand of the Year - Customer Service Platform
- Outstanding Leader of the Year - Customer service Segment
- Customer Service Leadership Award
- Customer Service Professional of the Year
Individual Categories
- CEO Of The Year
- Entrepreneur Of The Year
- Real Estate Professional Of The Year
- Lifetime Achievement Award
- Young Achiever Of The Year
- Women Super Achiever Of The Year
Organisational Categories
- Environment Friendly Project Of The Year – Residential
- Environment Friendly Project Of The Year – Commercial
- Architecture / Interior Design of the Year - Residential
- Architecture / Interior Design of the Year - Commercial
- Luxury Project Of The Year
- Developer Of The Year – Residential
- Developer Of The Year – Retail
- Developer Of The Year – Commercial
- Developer Of The Year – Leisure & Entertainment
- Developer Of The Year – Luxury
- Developer Of The Year – Plots & Shelters Awards
- Property Consultant Of The Year
- Real Estate Banker Of The Year
- Most Admired Loyalty Program In The Real Estate Sector
- Residential Property Of The Year
- Retail Property Of The Year
- Commercial Property Of The Year
- Leisure & Entertainment Project Of The Year
- Emerging Developer Of The Year
- Emerging Developer Of The Year – Residential
- Emerging Developer Of The Year – Retail
- Emerging Developer Of The Year – Commercial
- Affordable Housing Of The Year
- CSR Initiative Of The Year By A Real Estate
- Most Preferred Brand By Real Estate Sector
- Innovative Real Estate Marketing Campaign Of The Year
- Employer OF The Year In Real Estate
- Award For Professional Excellence In Real Estate
- Integrated Township Of The Year
- Property Consultant Of The Year – Residential
- Property Consultant Of The Year – Commercial
- Most Admired Upcoming Project of the Year
Individual Categories
- Women Excellence Award
- CEO of the Year
- CFO of the Year
- Exemplary Excellence Award
- Logistic / Supply Chain Enterprise Icon
- Logistic / Supply Chain Professional of the Year
- Innovative Leader Award – Logistic / Supply chain Sector
- Business Leader of the Year – Logistic / Supply chain Sector
- Outstanding Leader of the Year – Logistic / Supply chain Sector
- Logistic / Supply Chain Leadership Award
- Young Achiever Award
- Women Leadership Award
Organisational Categories
- Logistics Company of the Year
- Transportation Company of the Year
- Air Cargo Terminal of the Year
- Best Cargo Company of the Year
- Air-Cargo Airline of the Year
- Cold Chain Logistics Company of the Year
- Best Express Logistics Service Provider
- Best Complete Solution Provide – Supply Chain
- Best Complete Solution Provide – Logistic
- Best Complete Solution Provide – Warehousing
- Sustainable Supply Chain of the Year
- Rail Freight Company of the Year
- Best Freight Service Provider (AIR / SEA / RAIL)
- Best Logistics Service Provider (Project Cargo / Valuable Cargo / Heavy Lift)
- Best Supply Chain Company
- Best Storage Solutions Company
- Green Supply Chain Company
- Customer Intimacy & Service Excellence – Logistics / Supply Chain Sector
- Most Innovative Fleet Management
- Most Admired Supply Chain Innovation
- Most Admired Supply Chain Sustainability
- Most Admired Logistics Safety Initiative
- Most Admired Green Warehouse Initiative
- Most Admired Agri Supply Chain Company
- Best CSR Initiative
Individual Categories
- Hospitality Leader Of The Year.
- Most Admired GM Of The Year.
- Most Admired HR Professional Of The Year.
- Most Admired Sales & Marketing Professional Of The Year.
- Most Admired Corporate Communication/PR Professional Of The Year.
- Most Admired Training/Coaching Professional Of The Year.
- Most Admired Chef Of The Year.
- Most Admired Director Of The Year.
- Most Admired F&B Manager Of The Year.
- Lifetime Achievement Of The Year
- Most admired CEO of the year
Organisational Categories
- Most Preferred Luxury Hotel Of The Year.
- Most Preferred Boutique Hotel Of The Year.
- Most Preferred Business Hotel Of The Year.
- Most Preferred Casino Hotel/Resort Of The Year.
- Best New Restaurant Of The Year.
- Mid-Market Hotel Of The Year.
- Hotel Launch Of The Year.
- Most Preferred Best Hotel / Resort Of The Year.
- Best Team Of The Year.
- Hotel Brand Of The Year.
- Most preferred Convention Hotel of the year
- Most preferred Heritage hotel of the year
- Most preferred Airport hotel of the year
- Most preferred Services Apartment of the year
- Most preferred Restaurant& F&B Retailer of the year
- Most preferred Training/ Coaching Institute of the year
- Most preferred Green hotel of the year
- Most preferred Spa /wellness center of the year
- Most preferred Beach Resort/ Hotel of the year
- Most preferred Fast Food Joint of the year
- Most preferred CSR initiative of the year
- Best Hotel Team of the year
- Customer Delight award of the year
- Most Preferred Country Hotel
- Outstanding Hotel Marketing
- Most Preferred Golf Hotel
- Most Preferred Wedding Venue
- Most preferred Economy hotel of the year
- Most preferred Emerging hotel of the year
- Most preferred Design hotel of the year
- Most preferred integrated Resort/Hotel of the year
- Most admired awards for skill development
- Outstanding contribution to the industry
- Most preferred Premium hotel of the year
Individual Categories
- Rising Star of the Year (Under 35)
- Managing Director of the Year
- Food & Grocery Personality of the Year
- Chef of the Year
- CEO of the Year
- Most Admired Food & Grocery professional of the Year
- Lifetime Achievement Award
- Outstanding Contribution to Food & Grocery Industry
Organisational Categories
- Food & Grocery Retailer of the Year: Large Format
- Food & Grocery Retailer of the Year: Supermarkets
- Food & Grocery Retailer of the Year: Speciality
- Food & Grocery Retailer of the Year: Convenience store
- Independent Food & Grocery Retailer of the Year
- Food & Grocery Retailer of the Year: Private Label Development
- Food & Grocery Retail Innovation of the Year
- Food & Grocery Retail Launch of the Year
- Best Food & Grocery Blog of the Year
- Best Food & Grocery Website
- Food & Grocery brand of the Year (Bakery)
- Food & Grocery brand of the Year (Traditional Foods)
- Food & Grocery brand of the Year (Cold Beverages & Juices)
- Food & Grocery brand of the Year (Hot Beverages)
- Food & Grocery brand of the Year (Rice, Noodles and Pasta)
- Food & Grocery brand of the Year (Chilled Foods)
- Food & Grocery brand of the Year (Soups)
- Food & Grocery Brand of the Year (Snacks)
- Food & Grocery Brand of the Year (Dairy Products)
- Food & Grocery Brand of the Year (Ready To Eat Food)
- Food & Grocery Brand of the Year (Frozen Desert)
- Food & Grocery Brand of the Year (Instant Mix Food)
- Best Confectionery Brand of the Year
- Best Spices Brand of the Year
- Best Pickles Brand of the Year
- Best Cooking Oil Brand of the Year
- Best Agro Food Brand of the Year
- Cookery School of the Year
- Green Supplier of the Year
- Food & Grocery Consumer Initiative of the Year
- Online Food and Grocery Retailer of the Year
- Best Food & Grocery Trading Company of the Year
- Best Food & Grocery Distributor company of the Year
- Best Food & Grocery Export Company of the Year
- Best Process Foods Companyof the Year
- Best Food Service Companyof the Year
- Best Foods Chain Brandof the Year
- Best Food & Grocery Company of the Year
Individual Categories
- CEO of the year
- CIO / CTO of the year
- Entrepreneur of the year
- Marketing Professional of the year
- Women Excellence Award
- Young Achiever Award
- Cloud Innovator of the year
- Women Leadership Award
- Cloud Innovator of the Year
- Entrepreneur of the year
- KPO Entrepreneur of the year
- LPO Entrepreneur of the year
Organisational Categories
- Award for Complete Turnaround Management
- Award for Leveraging IT for Business Performance
- Most admired IT company of the year
- Emerging IT company of the year
- Award for Innovation in Technology
- Award for Best e-governance implementation
- Award for using E-commerce for Rural Marketing
- Award for Best Software Product Company in Intellectual Driven Business
- Award for Pioneering IT Industry Initiatives
- Award for Total IT Quality Management
- Award for Cyber Security Management Initiatives
- Award for Innovation in IT Industry
- Award for Solution Provider of the year
- Award for Best Implementation of Green IT
- Smart Tech Project of the Year
- Award for Process Innovation in IT
- Award for Best use of IT in Healthcare
- Use of IT for a Social Cause
- Role of IT for Rural Health
- Cloud Company of the year
- Best Cloud Infrastructure
- Best use of CSR Practices in IT Industry
- Award for web analytics
- Award for social analytics
- Award for analytical innovation
- Award for data mining
- Award for innovative use of data technology
- Award for audience segmentation
- Award for best analytics institute
- Best Use of Technology
- IT leadership award (Internet)
- Award for leadership in IT (Education)
- Award for leadership in IT (Banking)
- Award for leadership in IT (Manufacturing)
- Award for leadership in IT (Logistics & Supply chain)
- Award for leadership strategy ITeS sector
- Award for leadership in embedded softwaretechnology
Individual Categories
- Insurer Professional of the Year
- Claims Professional of the Year
- Women Achiever of the Year
- The Innovative Leader Award
- Insurance Broker of the Year
- Young Achiever of the Year
- HR Professional of the Year
- CTO of the Year
- CEO of the Year
- CIO of the Year
- COO of the year
- CFO of the Year
- The Young Underwriter of the Year
- Professional Underwriter of the Year
- Unsung Underwriter of the Year
- Best Underwriter of the Year
- Claims Professional of the Year
- Client Service Professional of the Year
- Best High Yield Fixed Income Fund
- Best Marketing Campaign
- Most Investor-Friendly Fund House of the Year Award
- Debt Mutual Fund House of the Year
- Equity Mutual Fund House of the Year
- Mutual Fund House of the Year
- Best Bond Fund House
- Equity Tax Saver
- Mutual Funds Ratings & Advisory
- Most Promising Brand for Housing Finance Company of the Year
- Best Affordable Housing Finance Company of the Year
- E-Business Leader - Large
- E-Business Leader - Medium & Small
- Social Inclusion
- Bancassurance Leader - Large
- Bancassurance Leader - Medium & Small
- Agency Leader Award
- Best Persistency Award
- Claims Service of the Year - Large (Private Sector)
- Claims Service of the Year - Medium & Small (Private Sector)
- Life Insurance Company of the Year - Large (Private Sector)
- Life Insurance Company of the Year - Medium & Small (Private Sector)
- Best Product Innovation - Life Insurance
- Technology Initiative of the Year
- Consumer Education Award
- Claims Service Leader
- Health Insurance Company of the Year
- Best Product Innovation
- TPA of the Year
- Bancassurance Leader - Large
- Bancassurance Leader - Medium & Small
- Personal Lines Growth Leadership - Public Sector
- Operations excellence initiative of the year
- Social Inclusion - Private Sector
- Social Inclusion - Public Sector
- E - Business Leader - Large
- E - Business Leader - Medium & Small
- Claims Service Leader - Large
- Claims Service Leader - Medium & Small
- Personal Lines Growth Leadership - Private Sector
- Commercial Lines Growth Leadership - Private Sector
- General Insurance Company of the Year – Large - Private Sector
- General Insurance Company of the Year - Medium & Small - Private Sector
- Best Product Innovation - General Insurance
- Technology Initiative of the Year
- Consumer Education Initiative of the Year
- Data Analytics Initiative of the Year (Overall Award Across Life, General, Health)
- Excellence in Agency Distribution
- Excellence in Claims Service
- Best Product Innovation
- Micro-insurance Leader - Life Insurance
- Excellence in Medical Insurance
- Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative
- Customer engagement initiative of the year
- Leading Housing Finance Company
- Housing Finance Company of the year - Large (Private Sector)
- Housing Finance Company of the year - Medium and Small (Private Sector)
- Technology Initiative of the year
- Award for Excellence in Cost Management
- Award for Best use of Digital Media
- Award for Excellence in Home Loan
- Excellence in Customer Relation
- Best Project Finance Company of the Year
- Excellence in Financial Services
- Excellence in Banking, Finance and Insurance sector
- Operations excellence initiative of the year
- Excellence in Talent Management
- Outstanding contribution to Real Estate
- Quick loan approval
- Most Admired Service Provider
- Marketing Campaign of the year
- Most Admired Customer Engaged Brand
- Brand Extension Award
- Best innovative product
- Most Trusted Housing Finance Brand
- Fastest Growing Housing Finance Company of the year
- Most Promising Brand for Housing Finance
- Dream Company to work in Housing Finance Sector
- Customer engagement initiative of the year
- Most Innovation Fintech Product
- Best Fintech Marketing Campaign
- Financial Inclusion Initiative of the Year
- Most Innovative Bank of the Year
- Best Banking Tech of the Year
- Best Digital Payment Processor
- Best Insurance Tech of the Year
- Best Lending Tech of the Year
- Best Mobile Payment Product or Service
- Best Payment Technology / Solution Provider
- Best Prepaid Card Solution
- Most Innovative Fintech Data Solution Provider
- Most Innovative Money Transfer Product/Service
- Most Innovative Wealth, Asset & Investment Management Service / Product
- Customer Service Excellence Award
- Dream Company To Work For
- Innovation & Emerging Technologies
- Broker Claims Team of the Year
- Claims Individual of the Year
- Claims Technology Initiative of the Year - Broker
- Claims Technology Initiative of the Year - Insurer
- Claims Technology Initiative of the Year - Service Provider
- Claims Training Initiative of the Year
- Claims Training Initiative of the Year - Insurer
- Customer Care Initiative of the Year
- Fraud Prevention Initiative of the Year
- Insurer Claims Initiative of the Year - Commercial Lines
- Insurer Claims Initiative of the Year - Personal Lines
- Insurer Claims Team of the Year
- Legal Partner of the Year
- Third Party Claims Management Team of the Year
- Best Underwriting Initiative of The Year
- Managing General Agents Team of the Year
- E-trading Innovation of the Year
- Product Innovation of the Year
- PI and D&O Team of the Year
- Overall Underwriting Team of the Year
- Underwriting Support Provider of the Year
- Best Bank in Public Sector
- Best Bank in Private Sector
- Best Co-Operative Bank
- Best Internet Banking Service Provider
- Best Investment Banking Initiative
- Bank with most Admired Services
- Maximum ATM's in Different Locations
- Most Admired Loyalty Program
- Best Security Initiative
- Business Sustainability Initiative of the Year
- Best Corporate Social Responsibility Practices
- Innovative Initiative in Rural Sector
- Innovative Initiative in Social Sector
- Bank with Best Customer Orientation
- Bank with more Rural Branch Expansion
- Bank with Leading Financial Inclusion Initiatives
- Bank with Best Technology Orientation
- Award for Excellence in Capacity Building and Financial Literacy
- Award for Excellence in Infrastructure and Project Finance
- Award for Excellence in Corporate Banking
- Award for Excellence in Corporate Financial Reporting
- Award for Excellence in Investment Banking
- Award for Excellence in Green Finance
- Award for Excellence in Cash Management
- Award for Excellence in Internet Banking
- Award for Excellence in Retail Banking
- Bank with more Rural Branch Expansion
- Award for Excellence in Securitisation and Structured Finance
- Most Admire service provider in Financial Sector
- Best use of IT in Investment Banking
- Best Use of Mobile Technology in Financial Services
- Best Industry Infrastructure Initiative
- Best Financial Crime Prevention Product or Service
- Operations excellence initiative of the year
- Best Valuation Service Provider of the Year
- Best Housing Finance Company
- Best HR Practice in Finance Sector
- Fastest Growing Housing Finance Company of the Year
- Customer engagement initiative of the year
- Achievement Award
- Broker Claims Team of the Year
- Broker of The Year
- Broker Services - New Category
- Business Sustainability / Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative of the Year
- Claims Initiative of the Year - Insurer
- Claims Initiative of the Year - Outsourced Partner
- Commercial Insurance Recruiter of the Year
- Commercial Lines Broker of the Year
- Commercial Lines Broker of the Year - SME/Mid-Corporate
- Commercial Lines Insurer of the Year*
- Communications Team of the Year
- Community Broker of the Year
- Cyber Risk Cover of the Year
- Digital Insurance Innovation of the Year
- Esg Award
- Financial Lines Cover of the Year
- General Insurer of the Year*
- Growth Company Of The Year
- Initiative Of The Year
- Innovative Product Award
- Insurance Broker Of The Year
- Insurance Personality Of The Year
- Insurance Provider
- Insurer Claims Initiative Of The Year
- Insurer Claims Team Of The Year
- Insurer Of The Year
- Insurtech Award
- Intermediary Of The Year
- Insurance Law Firm Of The Year
- Operations excellence initiative of the year
- Investing In The Profession Award
- Market Broking Team Of The Year
- Outsourced Partner Of The Year
- Partnership Of The Year – New Category
- Personal Lines Broker of the Year
- Personal Lines Insurer of the Year*
- Pioneer Award
- Regional Broker Of The Year
- Response to A Major Claim Award
- Schemes Broker of the Year
- SME Business Policy of the Year
- Specialist Broker of the Year
- Specialist Coverage Award
- Technology of Year
- The Brand Management Award
- The Broker Start-Up of the Year
- The Claims Team Award
- The Customer Care Award
- The Digital Broker Award
- The Diversity Award
- The High Net Worth Broker Award
- The Insurance Start-Up Award
- The Major Loss Award
- The Marketing & Customer Engagement Award
- The Risk Management Award - In-House & Insurable Risk Managers in Association
- The Technology Award
- Transformational Deal of the Year
- Young Achiever of the Year
- Young Broker of the Year
- Customer engagement initiative of the year
- Best Domestic Clients Team
- Best International Clients Team
- Best Hnw Team (High Net Worth)
- Best Uhnw Team (Including Private Investment Offices) (Ultrahigh Net Worth)
- Best Wealth Planning Team
- Best Boutique Wealth Manager
- Best Private Client Investment Manager
- Best Investment Product Provider
- Best Wealth Manager - Charities
- Best Wealth Manager - Balanced Portfolio
- Best Wealth Manager - Cautious Portfolio
- Best Wealth Manager - Growth Portfolio
- Best Wealth Manager - Income Portfolios
- Best Wealth Manager - Alternative Investments
- Best Multi-Family Office
- Best Marketing Campaign
- Best Brand Launch
- Best Law Firm - Family
- Best Law Firm - Tax & Trust
- Best Law Firm - Defamation & Reputation
- Best Private Client Legal Team
- Operations excellence initiative of the year
- Best Tax & Accountancy Team
- Best Property Adviser
- Best Trust Team
- Best Technology Provider - Front Office
- Best Technology Provider - Transaction Processing
- Best Global Custodian
- Best International Financial Services Center
- Best M&A Deal
- Best Wealth Adviser Personality Of The Year
- Property Investment/Fund Manager Of The Year
- Wealth Management Business Structures
- Strategies Of A Wealth Manager
- Best Discretionary/Advisory Wealth Manager
- Best Wealth Manager For Tax And Trusts Advice
- Best Private Bank
- Wealth Manager Of The Year
- Best Domestic Clients Team
- Best Investment Product Provider
- Private Client Investment Manager
- Wealth Manager - Alternative Investments
- Best Technology Provider - Transaction Processing
- Customer engagement initiative of the year
Individual Categories
- CEO of the Year
- Lifetime Achievement Awward
- Hall of Fame
- Visionary Leadership Award
- CHRO of the Year
- Exemplary Leader of the Year
- CSR Leadership Award
- CMO of the Year
- Women in CSR Leadership
- Women Super Achiever
Organisational Categories
- CSR Initiatives (Social Development)
- Environmental Sustainability (Green Initiatives)
- ICT Initiatives
- Reskilling of employees (training & development)
- Procurement of Goods and Services from MSMEs
- CSR commitment
- HR Excellence
- Digital PSU
- Communication Outreach
- Reskilling of employees (training & development)
- Investment in Start-ups
- Increasing the Geo-strategic Reach
- Environment & Sustainability
- Innovation Social Media Outreach
Individual Categories
- Best CEO of the Year
- Best CTO of the Year
- Best CIO of the Year
- Best Young Entrepreneur of the Year
- Best Young Innovator of the Year
- Best Innovative Business Idea
- Innovation Excellence Award
- Excellence in Innovative Technology Award
- Excellence in Information Technology Award
- Entrepreneurial Excellence Award
- Excellence in Software Innovation Award
- Outstanding Innovative Business Leader Award
- Innovative Business Excellence Award
- Outstanding R&D Excellence Award
- Business Excellence Through Innovative Industrial Practices
- Lifetime Achievement Award
- Women in IT / ITeS Excellence Award
Organisational Categories
- Best Innovative Company of the Year
- Best Innovative Start-up of the Year
- Best Innovative Design of the Year
- Best Innovative Project of the Year
- Best Innovative Product of the Year
- Best Innovative Service of the Year
- Best Innovative on-line Service
- Most Promising New Product - Technology
- Most Promising New Product - Information Technology
- Most Promising New Product - Banking/Insurance
- Best Innovaton in Emerging technologies
- Best Innovation in Health care technologies
- Best Innovation in Information Technology
- Best Innovation in Power/Energy
- Best Innovation in Sustainability
- Best Innovation in Telecommunications
- Best Innovation in Computing Systems
- Best Innovation in Consumer Electronics
- Best Innovation in Marketing
- Best Innovation in Brand Management
- Best Innovation in Internet
- Best Innovation in Mobile & Digital marketing
- Best Innovation in HR
- Best Innovation in Social Media
- Best Innovative Planning Practices Award
- Best Innovative Startup of the Year
- Best Innovative Service of the Year
- Best Innovative New Product Award
- Best Innovative Internet and Mobile Retail Sites
- Best Innovative Practices in HR / Talent Acquisition
- Best Innovative Practices in Marketing & Operations
- Best Innovative Practices in Research & Development
- Best Innovative Practices in Digital & Social Media
- Best Innovation & Creativity Technology in E-Commerce
- Best Innovation & Creativity Technology in M-Commerce
Individual Categories
- Digital Person of the Year
- Digital Marketer of the Year
- Young Digital Entrepreneur of the Year
- Hall of Fame Award
- Leaders of Tomorrow Award
- Business Super Achievers Award
- Excellence in Business Excellence Program
- Women Excellence in Public Sector
- Woman at Work Excellence Award
- Mark of Excellence Award
- FAME - Fabulous Achievement in Marketing Excellence
- Creative Professional of the Year
- CEO of the Year
- Entrepreneur of the Year
- Marketing Professional of the Year
- Brand Builder of the Year
Organisational Categories
- Marketing Campaign of the Year
- Award for Best Use of Social Media in Marketing
- Best in-house magazine
- International Newspaper of the year
- Shopping Centre award Program
- Best Loyalty Program
- Advertising Agency of the Year
- Digital Agency of the Year
- Outdoor Agency of the Year
- Business News Channel of the Year
- Entertainment Channel of the Year
- Best Brand Marketing Campaign
- Best Brand/Product Website
- Best Search Marketing Campaign
- Best Digital Marketing Campaign
- Best Social Media Marketing Campaign
- Best CSR/Cause Marketing Campaign
- Brand Extension Award
- PR Agency of the Year
- Emerging Brand Award
- Brand Revitalization Award
- Best Branded Product / Service of the Year
- Most Impactful Brand
- Marketing Department of the Year
- Marketing Team of the Year
- Marketing Executive of the Year
- New Brand, Product, Website launch of the Year
- Lead Generation Campaign of the Year
- Award for Marketing Excellence in (Sector)
- B2B Campaign of the Year
- B2C Campaign of the Year
- Product Launch Campaign of the Year
- Content Marketing Campaign of the Year
- Not for Profit Campaign of the Year
- Small Budget Marketing Campaign of the Year
- Tech Enabled Campaign of the Year
- CSR Campaign of the Year
- Influencer Marketing Campaign of the Year
- Regional Marketing Campaign of the Year
- Marketing Campaign of the Year during COVID 19
Individual Categories
- Content Marketer of the Year
- Designer of the Year
- Editor of the Year
- Best Storyteller of the Year
- CEO of the Year
- Young Professional of the Year
- Entrepreneur of the Year
- Best E-newsletter
- Best Overall Use of Social Media
- Best Use of Google+ for Content Marketing
- Best Use of Facebook for Content Marketing
- Best Use of Pinterest for Content Marketing
- Best Use of Instagram/Vine for Content Marketing
- Best Use of LinkedIn/SlideShare for Content Marketing
- Best Use of Twitter for Content Marketing
- Best Use of YouTube/Vimeo/Video for Content Marketing
- Best Overall Corporate Blog
- Best Blog Post
- Best Multiformat Website
- Best Podcast/Audio Series
- Best Infographics Series
- Best Use of Content Curation
- Best Content driven website
- Best Use of Video
- Best Motivational Video or Video Series
- Best Topic Specific Video
- Best Short Form Video or Video Series
- Best Content Marketing Video Series
- Best Use of Video
- Best Motivational Video or Video Series
- Best Transportation (Air/Auto/Rail/Ship) Publication
- Best Association Publication
- Best Technology Publication
- Best Manufacturing Publication
- Best Financial Services Publication
- Best Government Publication
- Best Healthcare / Medical Publication
- Best Hospitality / Travel Publication
- Best Nonprofit Publication
- Best Retail Publication
- Best School / University Publication
- Best Internal / Employee Publication
Organisational Categories
- Best Launch (of the Year)
- Best Content Marketing Program Strategy
- Best Marketing Automation in Content Marketing
- Most Innovative Content Distribution Strategy
- Best Native Advertising/Sponsored Client
- Best Content Marketing ROI/Measurement Program
- Best Mobile Strategy
- Best In-Person (Event) Content Marketing Strategy
- Best Agency / Client Content Marketing Partnership
- Best Use of Intelligent Content (Digital Presence)
- Best Integrated Program (Print/Digital Integration)
- Best Paid Advertising/Content Marketing Integration
- Content Agency of the Year
- Best Content Marketing Program in (Sector)
- Best Integrated Content Marketing for Corporate Experience
- Best use of Influencer for Content Marketing
- Overall Best use of Technology in Content Marketing Program
- Best B2B Branded Content Marketing Campaign
- Best B2C Branded Content Marketing Campaign
- Best New Publication - Print
- Best New Publication - Digital
- Best Publication - Tablet Based
- Best Regularly Featured Column or Section - Print or Digital
- Best Series of Articles - Print or Digital
- Best Overall Editorial - Print
- Best Overall Editorial - Digital
- Best News Story
- Best News Series or Program
- Best Special Topic Issue
- Best Annual Report
- Best New Publication - Print
- Best New Publication - Digital
- Best Cover
- Best Column or Section Design - Print or Digital
- Best Feature Design - Print or Digital
- Best Infographic Design
- Best Use of Illustration
- Best Use of Photography
- Best Overall Design - Print
- Best Overall Design - Digital
- Best Overall Design - Annual Report
Individual Categories
- Best Editor-in-Chief
- Best Managing Editor
- Best News Director
- Best News Editor
- CEO of the Year
- Young Professional of the Year
- Digital Marketer of the Year
- Young digital entrepreneur of the Year
- Digital Female leader of the Year
- Entrepreneur of the Year
- CEO of the Year
- Digital Marketing Head of the Year
- Digital Agency Head of the Year
- Best use of digital learning
- Best Digital Content and Curriculum Achievement Awards
- Best Digital Learning innovation Awards
- Outstanding achievement in digital learning
- Best digital book awards
- Best digital learning excellence award
- Best journal/magazine for digital learning
- Best Digital learning technologies solution
- Best digital learning Industry/company Award for outstanding achievement
- Award for best digital learning Institute/University
- Award for best digital learning department in Institute/University
Organisational Categories
- Best Advertiser
- Best Anchor on Digital Media
- Best Breakfast Show
- Best Channel (Multiple Segment)
- Best Coverage on Multiple Sectors
- Best Digital Innovation
- Best Digital Media Channel
- Best Digital Media Company
- Best Media Campaign (Multiple Segment)
- Best News Director of the Year
- Outstanding Contribution to Media
- Most Admired Tech for Advertising
- Most Admired Tech for E-commerce
- Most Admired Tech for Education
- Mobile APP awards
- Mobile Web awards
- Digital agency of the Year
- Social Branding Campaign
- Digital Media team of the Year
- Mobile Marketing agency of the Year
- Consumer Engagement Campaign
- Content agency of the Year
- Social Media Agency of the Year
- Creative agency of the Year
- PR agency of the Year
- Best use of Influencer
- Best use of Video
- Best Mobile Application
- Best web design award
- Best use of AR / VR in a marketing campaign
- Most admired mobile game used for marketing
- Most admired strategic PR campaign
- Most admired CSR / Cause marketing campaign
- Most admired social influencer campaign
- Digital advertising campaign
Individual Categories
- CEO of the Year
- CTO of the year
- CIO of the year
- CMO of the Year
- CHRO of the Year
- Women at Work Leadership Awards
- Contribution to the field of Training & Development
- Lifetime Achievement Award
- Exemplary Leadership Award
- Visionary Leader Award
- Visionary Leader of the Year
- Young Professional of the Year
- Women Super Achiever Award
- Life Time Achievement Award
- Founder of the Year
- Hall of Fame Award
- Young Design Engineer of the Year
Organisational Categories
- Outstanding Achievement in Engineering Award
- Consultancy of the Year
- Biochemical Engineering Award
- Business Start-up Award
- Diversity and Inclusion Award
- Energy Award
- Industry Project Award
- Innovative Product Award
- Award for Digital Innovation
- Award for Equipment Innovation
- Award for Technical Excellence
- Community Engagement Award
- Consulting Firm of the Year
- Contractor of the Year
- Ground Investigation Project of the Year
- Workplace Health and Safety Award
- Ground Investigation Project of the Year
- Training Initiative of the Year
- Most Cutting Edge Solution in Power and Energy
- Most Innovative Engineering Company of the Year
- Design Team of the Year
- Mechanical Product of the Year
- Small Company of the Year
- Materials Application of the Year
- Electronic Product of the Year
- Engineering Ambassador of the Year
- Design Engineer of the Year
- Innovation in Water Supply and Wastewater
- Excellence in Road Safety Engineering
- Environment Enhancement Project
- Maintenance & Engineering Excellence Award
- Small Maintenance Project of the Year
- Large Maintenance Project of the Year
- Product Innovation of the Year
- Process Innovation of the Year
- Factories of the Future Development
- Predictive Maintenance Award
- New Technology / Disruptor Award
- Best Workplace of the Year
- Most Social Responsible Company of The Year
Individual Categories
- Distinguished Trainer Awards
- Outstanding New Trainer Awards
- Training Leader of the Year
- Chief Learning Officer of the Year
- Best Talent
- Best Training Manager
- Best IT Trainer
- Hall of Fame Award
- Trainer of the Year
- Content Developer of the Year
- Outstanding Contribution to Global Learning
- Best Learning Leader
- Young Learning Leader (Age Below 35 Years)
- Young Training Leader
- Chief Training Officer of the Year
- Chief Development Officer of the Year
- Learning Leaders of tomorrow Award
- Best Learning Leader Blog
- Best Instructional Designer
Organisational Categories
- Innovation in Learning Services
- Excellence in Content Development Award
- Best Customer Services Programme
- Award for Excellence in Outsourcing Programme
- Best Contact Centre Programme
- Outstanding Contribution to the Cause of Learning & Development
- Best Use of Games and Simulations for Learning Technology
- Best use of mobile learning technology
- Best use of Audio & Video in a Training Program
- Best Environment, Health & Safety Training Program
- Best Sales Training Programme
- Best Workplace Development Training Program
- Best use of simulations or virtual environments for learning
- Award for Best in Class Technologies
- Best Assessment Tool Module
- Award for Best Webinar Solution
- Training Provider of the Year
- Most innovative new learning technologies product
- Excellence in Online Training Solution
- Best Coaching Programme / Best Mentoring Programme
- Best use of learning technologies to ensure compliance
- Best Online Distance Learning Programme
- Best Environment, Health & Safety Training Program
- Best Organizational Development (OD) Programme
- Best Skill Development Program
- Best in Class Green Training Program
- Best Development Program in Public Sector for Top Management
- Best Development Program in Public Sector for Middle Management
- Best Development Program in Public Sector for Workers
- Best Training Program run by an NGO for Internal Communication and Development
- Best Private / Commercial Public Programme
- Best Training and Development Programme
- Best Training Partnership with External Vendors
- Best Education Management Programs
- Best blended learning project - commercial sector / public and non-profit sector
- Excellence in the design of learning content - commercial sector / public and non-profit sector
- Best use of social and collaborative learning technologies
- Best Leadership Development Programme for Top Management
- Best Leadership Development Programme for Middle Management
- Best Leadership Development Programme for Workers
Individual Categories
- CEO of the year
- Role Model & Exemplary Leader award
- Outsourcing Entrepreneur of the year
- Team Leader of the year
- KPO Entrepreneur of the year
- LPO Entrepreneur of the year
Organisational Categories
- Social Change Agent Award
- Most Significant Contributor to the BPO Industry
- Use of Technology for Operational Excellence Award
- Award for Operational Excellence and Quality
- Outsourcing Innovation of the year
- Emerging Company of the year
- Best Employer Brand of the year
- Fun at Work Award
- Fastest Growing Outsourcing Company of the Year
- Best IT Enablement in BP0
- Best Customer Experienced Delivered by a Contact Centre
- Most Admired Vendor for Outsourcing Sector
- Shared Services Excellence Company of the year
- Best Quality Program of the year
- Most Preferred Vendor for BPO Sector
- Best Help Desk Services Award
- Non-Voice Excellence Company of the year
- Most Admired Company to work for
- Strategic Enabler for BPO
- Software service provider of the year / Dialer company
- Best Outsourcing Academy of the year
- Health Insurance BPO Provider
- Outsourcing Organization of the year
- Award for Excellence in Customer Service in the
- Outsourcing Industry
- Award for Excellence in Culture Creation
- Award for Excellence in People and Communications
- Award for Excellence in Value Creation
- Award for Excellence in Improvement & Innovation
- Use of Technology For Operational Excellence KPO
- Award for the Best HR Practices in Outsourcing
- Award for Improvement & Innovation KPO
- Award for Value Creation KPO
- Most Preferred Vendor KPO
- Most Significant Contributor KPO
- Exceptional Practices In Customer Relationship Management (CRM) KPO
- Award for Excellence In Research KPO
- Most Admired Company to Work For KPO
- LPO of the year
- Best overall LPO's
- Intellactual property services
- Legal support
- Contract services
- Litigation support
- Corporate services
- Western Fashion Apparel - Specialty Store
- Indian Fashion Apparel - Specialty Store
- Leisure & Fashion & Sports Accessories - Specialty Store
- Health & Beauty - Specialty Store
- Consumer Durables, IT & Telecom - Specialty Store
- Home Improvement - Specialty Store
- Service Retail
- Transportation - Specialty Store
- Restaurants, Cafes, Pubs & Food Courts
- Food Groceries & General Merchandise
- Department Stores
- Best Window Display - Products & Collections
- Best Window Display - Festivals & EOSS
- Best Retail Graphics
- Best In - Store Visual Merchandising
- Best VM Installation
- Best Shop Fitting
- Best Store Front Signage
- In - Store Tech & Digital Experience
- Green Initiative
- CEO Of The Year
- Designer Of The Year
- Architect Of The Year
- Brand Builder Of The Year
- Young Achiever Of The Year
- Entrepreneur Of The Year
Individual Categories
- Retail Excellence Award
- Young Retailer of the Year
- Lifetime achievement award
- Retail professional of the Year
- CEO of the Year
- Retail CMO of the Year
- Woman Leadership Award
- Retail Entrepreneur of the Year
Organisational Categories
- Retail Marketing Campaign of the Year
- Impactful Retail Design & Visual Merchandising
- Retail Best Employer of the Year
- Customer loyalty program award
- Shopping Centre award
- Ethnic Fashion retailer of the Year
- Retail Technology project of the year
- Best use of social media and influencer marketing
- Most disruptive retail technology
- Rural retailer of the year
- Effective retail through supply chain
- Innovative retail concept of the year
- Emerging retailer of the year (Real Estate)
- Retailer of the Year (Sector)
- Sustainable Retail Excellence award
- Best use of Augmented or Virtual reality
- Award for Best Research Paper
- Award for Best Research Company For AI
- Award for Best New Algorithm For AI
- Award for Best New Topology For AI
- Award for Best AI Startup
- Award for Best Use of AI In Organisation
- Award for Best Use of AI in Public Sector
- Award for Best Technical Research Of AI
- Award for Best Technical Implementation For AI
- Award for Best Technical Tool For AI
- Award for Best Cloud Platform For AI
- Award for Best Hardware Startup For AI
- Award for Best Use of AI In Robotics
- Award for Best Use of AI In Education
- Award for Best Use of AI In Banking & Fintech
- Award for Best Use of AI In Health & Medicine
- Award for Best Use of AI In Marketing
- Award for Best Use AI In Customer Service
- Award for Best Consumer Application of AI
- Award for Best AI For Gaming and Virtual Realty
- Award for AI Company Of the Year
- AI Creator of The Year
- Lifetime Achievement Award
Individual Categories
- CEO Of The Year
- Entrepreneur of the Year
- CTO of The Year
Organisational Categories
- Big Data Pioneer of the Year
- Security Pioneer of the Year
- Cloud Pioneer of the Year
- Containers Pioneer of the Year
- Mobile Pioneer of the Year
- Female CXO Pioneer of the Year
- Financial Technology Pioneer of the Year
- Male CXO Pioneer of the year
- Supply Chain Applications Award
- Social Impact Award
- Industry Solutions Award
- Storage Trailblazers Award
- Networking Trailblazers Award
- IOT Trailblazers Award
- Developer Trailblazers Award
- Blockchain Trailblazers Award
- Firestarter Trailblazers Award
Individual Categories
- Life Time Achievement Award
- Marketer of the Year
- Young Facilities Manager of The Year
- CEO Of the Year
- Facility Management Professional of The Year
Organisational Categories
- Facility Management CSR Initiative of The Year Award
- Best People Development in Facility Management Award
- Facilities Management Consultant of The Year
- Best Health & Safety Initiative in Facility Management
- In-House Team of the Year
- Overall Excellence in Facilities Management Award
- Facility Management Service Provider of The Year
- Best Company in Cleaning & Waste Management
- Facility Management Excellence in a Major Project
- Brand Of the Year – Facility Management
- Emerging Brand of The Year
- Best Company in Power & Energy Management
- Best Company in Parking Solutions
- Best Company in House Keeping & Facility Management
- Excellence in Customer Service
- Excellence in Green Building
- Excellence in Product Development
- Smart Facility Management
Individual Categories
- Life Time Achievement Award
- CEO of the Year
- CIO of the Year Award
- Woman Leadership Award
- Brand Builder of the Year Award
- Young Achiever of the Year
Organisational Categories
- Connected Home Company of the Year
- Connected Home Product of the Year
- Connected Home Lighting Company of the Year
- Smart Appliance Product of the Year
- Home Security Camera Company of the year
- Home Security Product of the Year
- Home Security Company of the Year
- Home Automation System of the year
- Smart Cooking Device of the Year
- Smart Heating and Colling Product of the Year
- Smart Bluetooth Tracker Product of the Year
- Smart Sprinkler System of the year
- Wireless Router of the Year
- Overall Consumer LOT Platform of the Year
- IOT Wearable Device of the Year
- IOT Emerging Company of the Year for the Consumer Market
- IOT Analytics Solution of the Year
- IOT Semiconductor Company of the Year
- IOT Semiconductor Product of the Year
- IOT Sensor Company of the Year
- IOT Sensor Product of the Year
- Industrial IOT Company of the Year
- Industrial IOT Solution of the Year
- Industrial Smart Lighting Solution of the Year
- Smart Manufacturing Solution of the Year
- Smart Agriculture Solution of the Year
- Overall Smart City Solution of the Year
- Smart City Deployment of the Year
- IOT Healthcare Wellness Company of the Year
- IOT Health & Wellness Product of the Year
- IOT CEO of the Year
- IOT Development Tool of The Year
- IOT Connected Retail Application
- IOT Partner Ecosystem of the Year
Individual Categories
- Startup Leader Of The Year
- Founder Of The Year
- Creative Entrepreneur of the Year
- Brand Builder of the year Award
- CFO of the year Award
- Young Achiever of the Year
- CIO of the year Award
- Woman Leadership Award
- Entrepreneur of the Year
- Dynamic Entrepreneur of the Year
- Professional Entrepreneur of the Year
- Social Entrepreneur of the Year
- Young Entrepreneur of the Year
- Serial Entrepreneur of the Year
- Green Entrepreneur of the Year
- Woman Entrepreneur of the Year
- Lifetime Achievement
- Family Entrepreneur of the Year
- Venture Capitalist of the Year
- Angel Investor of the Year
Organisational Categories
- Best Start-Up in Mobility
- Best Start-up in Logistics
- Best Startup in Food & Beverage
- Best Startup in Retail
- Best Starup in Travel
- Best Startup in Real Estate
- FMCG Sector
- Retail Industry
- Insurance Sector
- Automobile Sector
- Oil and Gas Sector
- ICT Development
- Agricultural Sector
- Textile & Fashion Sector
- Gems & Jewellery Sector
- Power & Energy Sector
- Print & Publication Sector
- Telecom & Internet Sector
- Hospitality & Tourism Sector
- Banking and Finance Sector
- Information Technology (IT) Sector
- Aviation & Aerospace Sector
- Education & Coaching Sector
- Logistics & Supply Chain Sector
- Chemical, Paint & Fertilizer Sector
- Real Estate & Construction Sector
- Petroleum & Petrochemical Sector
- Micro, Medium & Small Scale Sector
- Business Process Outsourcing Sector
- Health, Fitness & Beauty Sector
- Advertising & Public Relations Sector
- Pharmaceutical & Healthcare Sector
- Engineering & Heavy Equipments
- Legal & Intellectual Property Sector
- Private Equity & Venture Capital Sector
- Corporate Law Firm
- Mining
- Manufacturing
- Gymnastic
- Artist
- Chef
- Dancer
- Education, Coaching & Consulting
- Industrial & External Relations
- Marketing & Communication / MARCOM
- Capital Markets & Financial Services
- Technical Engineering & Architecture
- Customer Service & Relationship Management
- Digital & Social Media
- Sales & Training
- CSR Development
- Human Resources
- Talent Management
- Knowledge Management
- Media and Public Relations
- Brand Marketing & Management
- Corporate Management
- Women Lifetime Achievement Award
- Outstanding Women Leadership Award
- Exemplary Women Leadership Award
- Women CEO of the Year (PSU / PVT/ GOVT)
- Excellent Executive Assistant / Personal Assistant / Executive Secretary Award
- Women Personality of the Year Award
- Women Icon Of the Year
- Best Organization for Women Talents Development
- Women Entrepreneurship Award
- Excellence in Equality and Diversity Award
- Young Woman Leadership Award
- Young Manager / Executive of the Year Award
- Future Industry Leader
- Lifetime Achievement Award
- Innovation Leadership Award
- CEO of the Year
- Most Admired Entrepreneur of the Year
- Oil and Gas Personality of the Year
- CHRO of the Year
- Lifetime Achievement Award
- Hall of Fame
- Visionary Leadership Award
- Most Admired Business Leader of the Year
- Marketing Professional of the Year
- Award for Safety Leadership
- Project Manager of the Year
- Young Technician of the Year
- Young Engineer of the Year
- Award for Drilling Engineer of the Year
- Exploration (Drilling and Well Completion Excellence)
- Recruitment Company of the Year
- Consultancy Company of the Year
- Oil and Gas Financial Services Provider of the Year
- Local Content Initiative Award
- Promising Oil and Gas Company ofthe Year
- Lube Manufacturing Company of the Year
- Oil Marketing Company of the Year
- LPG Marketing Company of the Year
- Oil and Gas Institution of the Year
- Emerging Brand of the Year
- Petroleum Retailer/Dealer of The Year
- Best Pump Price of The Year
- Service Station of The Year
- Unsung Hero of The Year
- Best Oilfield Fluids and Chemicals Award
- Best Deepwater Technology Award
- Best Completion Technology Award
- Engineering and Construction Company of the Year
- Indigenous Oil Company of the Year
- Best Growing Oil & Gas company of the year
- Oil and Gas Service Company Of The Year
- Award for Drilling Excellence
- Award for Excellence in Corporate Social Responsibility
- Award for Excellence in Environmental Stewardship
- Award for Excellence in Health & Safety
- Award for Geophysical Excellence
- Consultancy of the Year
- Engineering Company of the Year
- E&P Company of the Year
- General Industry Service Award
- Industry Supplier of the Year
- Kerr Pumps & Flow Valve Award for Excellence in Well Completion
- Manufacturer of the Year
- Midstream Company of the Year
- New Technology Development of the Year
- Oilfield Services Company of the Year
- Risk Management Company of the Year
- The Oil & Gas Financial Journal Transaction of the Year
- Trucking Company of the Year
- Water Management Company of the Year
- Workforce Housing Provider of the Year
- Health, Safety, Environment/Sustainable Development On / Off shore Award
- Best Well Intervention Award
- Best Well Integrity Technology
- Best Production Technology Award
- Best Digital Transformation Award
- Midstream Company of the Year
- Best Exploration Technology Award
- Best EOR Technology
- Marketing Campaign of the Year
- Oil and Gas Insurer of the Year
- Oil and Gas Logistics Company of the Year
- Haulage Company of the Year
- Bulk Distributing Company of the Year
- Lubricant Product of the Year
- Brand of the Year
- Oil & Gas Leadership Awards
- Award for Best In Production and Operations
- Award for Best Projects, Facilities & Construction
- Award for Completions Optimization and Technology
- Award for Innovation in Safety
- Award for Preventive Safety Action
- Award for Reservoir Description & Dynamics
- Award for Health, Safety, Environment & Social Responsibilities
- Best Employee Health & Welfare
- Best Employee On Boarding Experience
- Best Employer Branding Strategy
- Best Support Vessel Services
- Best Leadership Development Program in Oil & Gas
- Best New Technology of the Year Award
- Best Talent Management Strategy
- Best Oil & Gas Magazine of the Year
- Best Information Media – Oil & Gas Sector
- Best In Class Bunker Management Services
- CSR Initiatives of the Year
- CSR Project of the Year
- Engineering Achievement of the Year
- Enhanced Hydrocarbon Recovery Projects
- Enhanced Oil recovery Project of the Year
- Formation Evaluation Award
- Gas Project of the Year
- Innovative Gas Project of the Year
- Innovative Oil Project of the Year
- Integrated Oil Company of the Year
- International Collaboration of the Year
- Manufacturer /Supplier of the Year Award
- Most Innovative Use of Technology in HR
- Offshore Project of the Year
- Oil & Gas Logistic Company of the Year
- Oil Field Service provider of the Year
- Oil Field Service Company of the Year
- Best Bunker Company of the Year
- The Oil & Gas Award for Best People Development
- The Oil & Gas Award for Business Efficiency
- The Oil & Gas Award for Overall Excellence
- Best in Class Manufacturing – Industrial Pumps & Valves
- Best Lubricant Services Provider
- Overall Exploration & Production Performance of the Year
- Best CEO Of The Year
- Best Operator of the Year
- Best Wholesale Operator of the Year
- Young Achiever Award
- Best CSR Practice
- IT Professional of the Year
- Marketing Professional of the Year
- HR Professional of the Year
- Best Telecom Service Providers • Innovative Product - Voice
- Broadband Service Providers
- Best Telecom Product, Optical Networking
- Best Consumer Cloud Offering
- Best Community Telecom Project
- Best Enterprise Cloud Offering
- Best LTE Core Network Product
- Best LTE Service Provider
- Best Data Center Services Provider
- Best use of Cloud Services by a Telecom Company
- Value Added Services (VAS) Providers
- Most Innovative Telecom Project
- Innovation In Managed Services - OEMS
- Telecom Software
- Telecom Network Infra
- General Social Initiative
- Public Poll/Users Choice Award
- Most Trusted Mobile Brand
- Mobile payment service provider model (m-Mobile)
- The Green Telecom Award
- Handset Innovation of the Year
- Best Mobile Innovation for 'Smart Cities'
- Best Mobile Product Award
- Best Mobile Customer Service
- Best HR Practice
- CRM Programme of the Year
- Best CSR Practices
• Innovative Product - Data
• Innovative Product - Enterprise
• Innovative Product - Rural
• Innovation in Customer Care
• Innovative Managed Services
• Innovation in Marketing Campaign
• Innovation in Cloud
• Innovative Partnership Strategy
- CEO of the Year
- Life Time Achievement Award
- Entrepreneur of the Year
- Healthcare Personality of the Year
- Women Leadership Award in Healthcare
- Hall of Fame Award
- Brand Leadership Award
- Best Physiotherapist Award
- Best Surgeon Award
- Award for Best Hospital in Cardiology
- Award for Best Hospital in Neurology
- Award for Best Hospital in Mother & Child Care
- Award for Health Services During Crisis
- Award for Best Hospital in Urology
- Award for Best Hospital in Oncology
- Award for Best Hospital in Nephrology
- Award for Best Hospital in Gastroenterology & Hepatology
- Award for Best Multi-Speciality Hospital
- Award for Best Hospital in Clinical Services
- Award for Best Hospital in Gastroenterology & Hepatology
- Award for Best Hospital in Diabetology
- Award for Best Hospital in Plastic Surgery
- Award for Best Hospital in Orthopaedic
- Best Hi-Tech Hospital Award
- Award for Best Green Hospital
- Award for Best Hospital Chain
- Best Patient Awareness Campaign Award
- Award for Best Hospital for Patient Care
- Best Hospital for Excellence in CSR Award
- Award for Best Grand Hospital
- Award for Healthcare Workers' Wellbeing
- Award for Quality and Patient Safety
- Award for Community Involvement
- Award for Most Advanced Healthcare Technology
- Award for Patient Experience Improvement
- Award for Talent Development
- Award for Best Single Speciality Hospital
- Business Leader of the Year - Infrastructure
- Lifetime Achievement Award
- Exemplary Leadership Award
- Visionary Leader of the Year
- CEO of the Year
- CTO of the year
- CIO of the year
- CMO of the Year
- CHRO of the Year
- Women Super Achiever Award
- Best Infrastructure Company of the Year
- Best Growing Infrastructure Company of the Year
- Best CSR Contribution of the Year
- Brand of the Year
- Best Real Estate Project of the Year
- Best Infrastructure Company of the Year : • Bridges and Dams
- Company of the Year – Urban Infrastructure
- Best Converged and Hyper-Converged Infrastructure
- Best Infrastructure Developments and Systems Management
- Best Technology for Making Smart City
- Smart Urban Development Initiative
- Best Transport Company
- Best Smart City Initiatives
- Most Preferred Brand By Infrastructure & Construction (Various Sectors)
• Constructions
• Commercial Offices
• Power Distribution
• Railway Development
• Roads And Highways
• Water & Wastewater Management
- CEO of the Year
- Outstanding Achievement Award
- Most Admired Shopping Centre Professional of the Year
- Most Admired Business Head of the Year
- Most Admired Women Leader of the year
- Most Admired Young Achiever of the year
- Multiplex of the Year- East / West / North South
- Best Single Screen Theatre of the Year- East / West / North South
- Most Admired Multiplex of the Year - Best Picture Quality
- Most Admired Multiplex of the Year - Best Sound Quality
- Most Admired Multiplex of the Year - Best Ambience and Hospitality
- Most Admired Multiplex of the Year - Most Intelligent Programming
- Best Multiplex Launch of the year
- Best Cinema Advertising of the year
- Most Admired Marketing Campaign of the Year
- Best Multiplex Website of the Year
- Most Admired Multipex of the year - Best Ambience and Hospitality
- Most admired Single Screen to Multiplex Theatre
- CEO of the Year
- Payment Entrepreneur of the Year
- Marketing Professional Of the Year
- Digital Marketer of the Year
- Young achiver of the year
- Woman Super Achiver of the Year
- Best Online Payments Solution (Consumer)
- Best Online Payments Solution (Merchant)
- Mobile Payments Solution of the Year
- Best In-Store Payments Solution
- Card Innovation of the Year
- Payments Start-up of the Year
- Best Marketing Campaign of the Year
- B2B Payments Innovation of the Year
- Best Alternative Payments Project
- Engagement & Loyalty Scheme of the Year
- Best Prepaid Product of the Year
- Best Design of the Year
- Best Benefits or Loyalty Programme of the Year
- Best Achievement in Retail Payments
- Best Achievement in Customer Service
- Best Alternative or Digital Payments Programme
- Best Use of Social Media
- Best Debit Card/Best Credit Card
- Best Mobile Payments Solution of the Year
- Best Mobile Wallet of the Year
- Mobile wallet of the Year
- Most Disruptive Payments Technology of the Year
- Best Financial Services Institution in Payments
- Best Digital Banking Solution of the Year
- Sales Manager of the year award
- Sales Team of the year award
- CEO of the year
- CFO of the year
- CIO of the year
- The Innovative Leader award
- Young Achiever of the year
- After Sales Excellence award
- New Dealership of the year award
- Employer of the year award
- Dealer Website of the year award
- Bodyshop of the year award
- Business Manager of the year award
- Financial Management award
- Dealer Group of the year award
- Outstanding Achievement award
- Customer Care award
- Fastest Growing Chain of the Dealer award
- Dealership With Maximum Branches
- New Car of the Year
- Dealer Group of the year Award
- Digital Initiative of the year Award
- Low Maintenance car of the Year
- Best Hatchback of the year
- Best Sedan of the Year
- Best Luxury Car of the Year
- Best Family Car of the Year
- Best MPV of the Year
- Best SUV of the Year
- Best Crossover of the year
- Best Coupe of the Year
- Best Converible of the Year
- Best Car Company of the Year
- Best Sports Car of the Year
- Best Diesel Car of the Year
- Best Petrol Car of the Year
- Best CNG Car of the Year
- Best Hybrid Car of the Year
- Marketing Campaign of the Year
- Used Car of the year Award
- Used Car Retailer of the Year Award
- Social Media Award
- New Car Launch Award
- Award for Excellence in Customer Service and Independent Repair Garages
- Most Prestigious Used car Specialist of the Year
- Global Luxury Car Award
- Global Performance Car Award
- Best Full Size Truck of the Year
- Dream Car of the Year Award
- Affordable Car of the Year
- New Bike of the Year
- Fastest Selling bike of the year
- Low Maintenance bike of the Year
- Best Sports Bike of the Year
- Best Bike of the Year
- Most Fuel Efficient bike of the year
- New Bike Launch Award
- Commuter Motorcycle Of The Year
- Entry Premiurn Motorcycle Of the Year
- Entry Premiurn Cruiser Motorcycle Of The Year
- Premiurn Motorcycle Of The Year
- Touring Motorcycle Of The Year
- Adventure Motorcycle Of The Year
- Performance/Luxury Motorcycle Of The Year
- Two-Wheeler Manufacturer Of The Year
- New moped of the Year
- Fastest Selling Scooter of the year
- Low Maintenance scooter of the Year
- Luxury scooter of the year
- Best Scooter of the Year
- Most Fuel Efficient Scooter of the year
- New Scooter Launch Award
- Best Mid Size Truck of the year
- Best Car Retailer Employer of the Year
- Best Franchised Dealership of the Year
- Most Admired Retail Sector Team of the Year
- CEO of the Year
- Outstanding Achievement Award
- Most Admired Shopping Centre Professional of the Year
- Best Cluster Manager Award
- Best Cluster Head Award
- Best Cluster Leader Award
- Most Admired Business Head of the Year
- Most Admired Women Leader of the Year
- Most Admired Business Super Achiever of the year
- Most Admired Mark of Excellence Award
- Most Admired Leader of Tomorrow Award
- Shopping Center of the Year Metros (East)
- Shopping Center of the Year Metros (North)
- Shopping Center of the Year Metros (West)
- Shopping Center of the Year Metros (South)
- Shopping Center of the Year Non Metro (East)
- Shopping Center of the Year Non Metro (North)
- Shopping Center of the Year Non Metro (West)
- Shopping Center of the Year Non Metro (South)
- Most Admired Shopping Centre of the Year
- Most Admired Marketing Campaign of the Year
- Best Innovative Shopping Centre
- Best Thematic Decoration-Shopping Centre
- Retail Merchant of the Year
- Best Sustainable Design of the Year
- Best Retail & Leisure Development
- Best Utility Services Company of the Year(Lifts, Escalators, Security Sensor)
- Best Security Services Company of the Year(Security, Car Park)
- Best Social Innovative Program - Shopping Center (Marketing)
- Best Architecture & Interior Design - Shopping Center
- Best Property Management Company of the Year
- Most Admired Shopping Centre of the Year - Marketing and Consumer Promotions
- Most Admired Shopping Centre of the year - Retailers' Choice
- Most Admired Shopping Mall of the year- Health and safety
- Most Admired Shopping Centre of the year - Socially Responsible
- Most Admired Shopping Centre Launch of the Year
- Most Admired Shopping Centre Management Co. of the Year
- Shopping Center of the year - Luxury - East
- Shopping Centre of the year - Luxury - West
- Shopping Centre of the year - Luxury - North
- Shopping Centre of the year - Luxury - South
- Most Luxurious Shopping Mall
- New Developments and Expansions
- Shopping Mall with Maximum Luxury Brands
- Best Shopping Mall with Maximum International Brands
- Best Food Court in a shopping Mall
- Best Social Media Campaign of the Year
- Best Digital Marketing Campaign of the year
- Best Shopping Mall with Regional Brands
- Best Real Estate Developer (Shopping Mall)
- Best Retail Store launch in a shopping Mall
- Upcoming Mall of the Year
- Best Location of a shopping Mall
- Best Customer Experience Initiative - Shopping Centre Owners
- Best Shopping Malls with Maximum Food outlets
- Emerging Concept Mall of the Year
- Innovative Retail Concept of the year
- Most Admired Green Shopping Centre of the Year
- Best Family Entertainment Zone
- Best CEO of the Year
- Young Achiever Award
- Lifetime Achievement Award
- Hall of Fame Award
- Airline of the Year
- Beach Destination of the Year
- City Break Destination of the Year
- Honeymoon Destination of the Year
- Car Rental Company of the Year
- Tourism Development Project of the Year
- Best Tourism Project from ROI point of View
- Responsible Tourism Award of the Year
- Award for Sustainable Tourism
- Best Institute for Travel & Tourism Course
- Best State Tourism Board
- Airport of the Year
- Meeting & Conference Destination
- Tourist Board of the Year
- Award for Promoting Eco Tourism
- Award for Promoting Medical Tourism
- Community Benefit Award
- Global Tourism Business Award
- Best Adventure Tourism Destination
- Most Admired Travel Portal
- Best Tour Operator = Inbound / Outbound
Partner Countries












Hong Kong








North Korea

South Korea
















Saudi Arabia


Sri Lanka






Timor Leste






Taj Dubai
Burj Khalifa Street - Business Bay - Dubai - United Arab Emirates
Tel.: +971 4 438 3100
Co-ordination office
Office Address
401 - 403, Prime Plaza Building, S. V. Road, Above TBZ Jeweller, Near Asha Parekh Hospital, Santacruz (West), Mumbai - 400 054
Contact Us
Mobile: +91 9867311742 / 98216 88999
We're independent and not-for-profit and guided by Advisory Council. Our purpose is to make "work and working lives better". And at a time of unprecedented change, we have the vision, the agility and the strength to make a real difference to the CMO community; business and the economy.
The organisers reserve a right to alter or change the program or its content and title without assigning any reason whatsoever.